martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Pentest lab vulnerable servers-applications list

Buenos días.

Hace poco en una entrada de hackplayers hicieron una buena recopilación de información para pruebas de intrusión catalogando entre aplicaciones web, sistemas operativos entre otros, aquí otra mas:

HackMe is a FREE, community based project powered by eLearnSecurity. The community can build, host and share vulnerable web application code for educational and research purposes.
It aims to be the largest collection of “runnable” vulnerable web applications, code samples and CMS’s online. The platform is available without any restriction to any party interested in Web Application Security: students, universities, researchers, penetration testers and web developers.
PentesterLab is an easy and great way to learn penetration testing.PentesterLab provides vulnerable systems that can be used to test and understand vulnerabilities. Just decide what course you want to follow, download the course and start learning. You can easily run the course using VMware or Virtualbox no internet access needed.

bWAPP or a buggy web application is a free and open source web application build to allow security enthusiasts, students and developers to better secure web applications. bWAPP prepares to conduct successful penetration testing and ethical hacking projects. It includes all vulnerabilities from the OWASP Top 10 project and is for educational purposes only.

OWASP Bricks!
Bricks is a web application security learning platform built on PHP and MySQL. The project focuses on variations of commonly seen application security issues. Each ‘Brick’ has some sort of security issue which can be leveraged manually or using automated software tools. The mission is to ‘Break the Bricks’ and thus learn the various aspects of web application security.

Project GameOver was started with the objective of training and educating newbies about the basics of web security and educate them about the common web attacks and help them understand how they work.

UltimateLAMP is a Ubuntu VM running vulnerable services and containing weak accounts.
The UltimateLAMP VM runs the following services:Postfix, Apache, MySQL, WordPress, TextPattern, Seredipity, MediaWiki, TikiWiki, PHP, Gallery, Moodle, PHPWebSite, Joomla, eGroupWare, Drupal, Php Bulletin Board, Sugar CRM, Owl, WebCalendar, Dot project, PhpAdsNew, Bugzilla, OsCommerce, ZenCart, PhphMyAdmin, Webmin,Mutillidae 1.5 (OWASP Top 10 Vulns)

WebGoat is a deliberately insecure J2EE web application maintained by OWASP designed to teach web application security lessons. In each lesson, users must demonstrate their understanding of a security issue by exploiting a real vulnerability in the WebGoat application. For example, in one of the lessons the user must use SQL injection to steal fake credit card numbers. The application is a realistic teaching environment, providing users with hints and code to further explain the lesson.

Similar to the de-ice Cd’s and pWnOS, holynix is an ubuntu server vmware image that was deliberately built to have security holes for the purposes of penetration testing. More of an obstacle course than a real world example.

WackoPicko is a website that contains known vulnerabilities. It was first used for the paper Why Johnny Can’t Pentest: An Analysis of Black-box Web Vulnerability Scanners found:

De-ICE PenTest LiveCDs
The PenTest LiveCDs are the creation of Thomas Wilhelm, who was transferred to a penetration test team at the company he worked for. Needing to learn as much about penetration testing as quickly as possible, Thomas began looking for both tools and targets. He found a number of tools, but no usable targets to practice against. Eventually, in an attempt to narrow the learning gap, Thomas created PenTest scenarios using LiveCDs.

Metasploitable is an Ubuntu 8.04 server install on a VMWare 6.5 image. A number of vulnerable packages are included, including an install of tomcat 5.5 (with weak credentials), distcc, tikiwiki, twiki, and an older mysql.

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Broken Web Applications Project, a collection of vulnerable web applications.

Web Security Dojo
A free open-source self-contained training environment for Web Application Security penetration testing. Tools + Targets = Dojo

LAMPSecurity training is designed to be a series of vunlerable virtual machine images along with complementary documentation designed to teach linux,apache,php,mysql security.

Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA)
Damn Vulnerable Web App is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class room environment.

This is the Hacking-Lab LiveCD project. It is currently in beta stadium. The live-cd is a standardized client environment for solving our Hacking-Lab wargame challenges from remote.

Moth is a VMware image with a set of vulnerable Web Applications and scripts, that you may use for:

Exploit kb vulnerable web app Vulnerable Web app designed as a learning platform to test various SQL injection Techniques This is a fully functional web site with a content management system based on fckeditor. You can download it as source code or a pre configured.

This codelab shows how web application vulnerabilities can be exploited and how to defend against these attacks. The best way to learn things is by doing, so you’ll get a chance to do some real penetration testing, actually exploiting a real application. Specifically, you’ll learn the following:
How an application can be attacked using common web security vulnerabilities, like cross-site scripting vulnerabilities (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (XSRF). How to find, fix, and avoid these common vulnerabilities and other bugs that have a security impact, such as denial-of-service, information disclosure, or remote code execution. To get the most out of this lab, you should have some familiarity with how a web application works (e.g., general knowledge of HTML, templates, cookies, AJAX, etc.).

Damn Vulnerable Linux (DVL)
Damn Vulnerable Linux is everything a good Linux distribution isn’t. Its developers have spent hours stuffing it with broken, ill-configured, outdated, and exploitable software that makes it vulnerable to attacks. DVL isn’t built to run on your desktop – it’s a learning tool for security students.

pWnOS is on a “VM Image”, that creates a target on which to practice penetration testing; with the “end goal” is to get root. It was designed to practice using exploits, with multiple entry points

Virtual Hacking Lab
A mirror of deliberately insecure applications and old softwares with known vulnerabilities. Used for proof-of-concept /security training/learning purposes. Available in either virtual images or live iso or standalone formats.

Badstore is dedicated to helping you understand how hackers prey on Web application vulnerabilities, and to showing you how to reduce your exposure.

BodgeIt Store
The BodgeIt Store is a vulnerable web application which is currently aimed at people who are new to pen testing.

Hackademic Challenges
The OWASP Hackademic Challenges , is an open source project that can be used to test and improve one’s knowledge of information system and web application security. The OWASP Hackademic Challenges implement realistic scenarios with known vulnerabilities in a safe, controllable environment. Users can attempt to discover and exploit these vulnerabilities in order to learn important concepts of information security through the attacker’s perspective.

OWASP Vicnum Project
A flexible web app showing vulnerabilities such as cross site scripting, sql injections, and session management issues. Helpful to IT auditors honing web security skills and setting up ‘capture the flag’ . Play the game at

Stanford SecuriBench
Stanford SecuriBench is a set of open source real-life programs to be used as a testing ground for static and dynamic security tools. Release .91a focuses on Web-based applications written in Java.

This Kioptrix VM Image are easy challenges. The object of the game is to acquire root access via any means possible (except actually hacking the VM server or player).
The purpose of these games are to learn the basic tools and techniques in vulnerability assessment and exploitation. There are more ways then one to successfully complete the challenges.

Hackxor is a webapp hacking game where players must locate and exploit vulnerabilities to progress through the story. Think WebGoat but with a plot and a focus on realism&difficulty. Contains XSS, CSRF, SQLi, ReDoS, DOR, command injection, etc

Project GameOver:
Project GameOver was started with the objective of training and educating newbies about the basics of web security and educate them about the common web attacks and help them understand how they work. It is collection of various vulnerable web applications, designed for the purpose of learning web penetration testing. We have included some of the above mentioned deliberately vulnerable websites.


This article is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Jovana Milutinovich from


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